Our mission is to help people arrive in their bodies.

“Many of us are intimately familiar with the cumulative effects of stress, but how many of us have experienced the compounding benefits of relaxation?”

Mary, Owner

In the early stages of the pandemic I left a difficult relationship. My ex partner was struggling with alcoholism and I had spent years talking to a wall. The fallout was dire, I was dealing with bouts of anger that were unmanageable and caused physical pain. I had a therapist, I exercised and intellectually speaking, I knew what I was dealing with. But on a deeper level, I couldn't resolve it. It was during that time, out of desperation, that I started working with sound healing, singing bowls and frequency. 

Through a number of coincidences, I came across a Harmonic Egg, My first session, though subtle, was still moving and profound. After years of being in emotional upheaval, I caught a glimpse of something I thought I had lost: my body's ability to heal itself, to feel balanced and at ease. Last year I decided that I wanted to bring this experience to as many people as possible. Folks have said that our Egg sessions are "more relaxing than a massage", or that they are like "a shortcut to a meditative state". Come and try it out for yourself.